
Clients of ProjektConsult.

We are your partner.

Who can profit of the versatile services of ProjektConsult as a general contractor? On this page we give you an overview of our most important clients. This clearly shows that with our services we can guarantee additional benefit to all construction clients.

ProjektConsult works for …

  • Investors
  • Developers
  • Real Estate Industry
  • Users of the property

… and mediates between the individual interests.

Of course, every construction project is unique – therefore contact us, so that we can work out your personal advantages!

Your ProjektConsult benefits:

  • Well thought-out architectural planning
  • Higher returns
  • Expanded financing options
  • Reduction of fixed costs through external project management
  • Consolidation of market position
  • Increased efficiency by concentrating on core competence

Our goal is to satisfy all involved parties in the construction project. Only if all the expectations of stake holders are met, a construction project can be regarded as sustainably successful – for the benefit of all!